Predator Management for Wildlife Tax Valuation

Predator Management for Wildlife Management Use

Predator control is one of the seven main management practices that can be implemented for wildlife management use in Texas. This term refers to practices intended to manage the population of predators to benefit the landowner’s target wildlife population. Predator control not always necessary unless the number of predators is harmful to the desired wildlife population. Predator control and management should not be counted as one of the seven wildlife management activities necessary to qualify for agricultural use appraisal unless it is part of a comprehensive wildlife management scheme or plan. Some types of predator management and/or control are:

  • Mammal predator control
  • Red-imported fire ant control
  • English house sparrow control
  • Brown-headed cowbird control
  • Grackle or starling control

Controlling Predators for Wildlife Management, Wildlife Valuation

Mammal predator control may be necessary to increase the survival of the targeted species, especially songbirds and other ground-nesting bird species. Key native predator species may include coyotes, raccoons, bobcats and mountain lions, while exotic predators may include wild house cats, wild dogs and wild hogs.

Fire ant control (imported red fire ants) can be used to protect native wildlife species or their food base. Treatments should comply with the label instructions.

Controlling brown-headed cowbirds to decrease nest parasitism of targeted neotropical bird species may also be part of a planned wildlife program. Grackle, starling and English house sparrow control can be undertaken as part of a planned program to reduce bird diseases and overcrowding, which can harm the population of white-winged dove and/or other neotropical birds.